

We care about transparency. That's why we joined the Initiative Transparent Civil Society. We pledge to making the following ten pieces of information available to the public and keeping them up to date.

1. Organization name, adress and founding year

Adress: c/o PHINEO gAG, Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2, 10178 Berlin
Founding date: 07.04.2022
Contact: Christian Berger,

2. Complete statute and information on organizational objectives

You can find our statute (German) here.

What we do
WE AID offers a professional, non-profit organisational structure on a temporary basis: We want to enable private initiatives or individuals to implement their personal non-profit commitment within a few days. WE AID thus contributes to the independent realisation of civil society activities and to the strengthening of social engagement. 100% of the donations collected for the initiatives benefit their purpose. WE AID itself is also dependent on donations and supporters. We are happy to receive direct support in order to be able to maintain our services in the long term.

Our target groups
> Committed private individuals who want to realise their initiatives through WE AID.
> Donors who want to support current crisis situations financially
> Companies and organisations that want to realise their initiatives through WE AID

Vission and mission
WE AID exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Fiscal Code (AO):
> To enable short- and medium-term civil society engagement in acute crisis situations.
> To promote the exchange of experience and knowledge
> To build and promote networks in order to make civil society engagement even more effective
> Enable financial support by donors to non-profit initiatives and organisations
> Implement and support humanitarian activities, e.g. by coordinating aid and providing infrastructure.

3. Information on tax concession

WE AID serves with notice in accordance with § 5 para. 1 no. 9 KStG dated 05.02.2025 tax-privileged purposes in accordance with its statutes. Donations to WE AID or to initiatives hosted by WE AID entitle the donor to tax deduction.

4. Name and function of key decision-makers

You'll find the entire Team here.

Management is carried out by Mr. Christian Berger and Mr. Jan Strecker. The managing directors have sole power of representation.

Legal representatives of our shareholder, PHINEO gAG, can be found on the transparency pages of PHINEO.

5. Activity report

Find inspiration and our activities in our annual report (german language PDF):


WE AID annual report 2022

6. Personnel structure

You'll find the entire Team here.

All WE AID employees are employed by PHINEO gAG. PHINEO gAG assigns the employees of WE AID gGmbH, which is a wholly owned subsidiary organisation of PHINEO, within the framework of its own charitable activities for the charitable activities of WE AID. This is in accordance with § 58 No. 4 of the German Fiscal Code (AO).

7. Information on the source of funds

The founding capital was contributed by PHINEO gAG, as the sole shareholder of WE AID gGmbH.

We finance our activities from project funding and through the generous support of our pro bono partners.

Further details on the source of funds are published in our activity report (cf. item 5).

8. Information on the use of funds

Details on the source of funds are published in our activity report (cf. item 5).

9. Affiliation with third parties under company law

WE AID gGmbH is a 100% non-profit subsidiary organisation of PHINEO gAG.

10. Names of persons whose annual payments represent more than 10 % of the total annual budget.

There are no individuals whose annual payments exceed 10% of the total annual budget.