Protection and support of LGTBIQ+ people and organizations in Uganda

Queer Aid Uganda Alliance

by Ute Hiller, Stephan Jäkel

Why your donation is important

Queer people in Uganda need our solidarity and support NOW. Since the “Anti-Homosexuality Act” became law in the summer of 2023, “homosexual acts” are threatened with prison sentences or even the death penalty.

Many LGBTIQ+ people experience violence, no longer dare to leave the house, no longer have access to prevention, support and care and to the health care system. Many people with HIV can no longer get their medication.

The political and legal struggle against the anti-LGBTIQ+ law continues. LGBTIQ+ people in acute need, however, need our support now. Most important are

  • Food packages for people who cannot leave their homes for fear of lynching or arrest
  • Emergency shelter for three to four people each: Rent, food, electricity, water & co.
  • Medication and medical supplies
  • Funds for transportation, communication (telephony, internet), legal support.

Your donation gets through

Queer Emergency Aid Uganda is supported by WE AID, a platform for non-profit emergency aid. This way, 100% of the donations get through, with no deduction for administrative costs.

Every donation helps provide queer people in need with the basic necessities: a roof over their heads and protection from violence, water and food, medicine and medical care, data volume and talk time to stay in touch with others, counseling and support.

You are able to claim tax credit for your donation, if you are registered in Germany.

Queer Emergency Aid Uganda

Queer Emergency Aid Uganda is an alliance of representatives of organizations and initiatives from the LGBTIQ+ community in Germany, Uganda, Ghana and committed individuals.

Queer Emergency Aid Uganda Alliance – Love is love. Humanrights are for everybody.

We are very concerned about the situation of queer people in Uganda. We receive many messages from LGBTIQ+ people, their families and their civil society representatives.

Together we want to support queer people in acute need.

The “Anti-Homosexuality Act” of 2023

In Uganda, one of the most queer-hostile laws in the world, the “Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023,” came into effect in the summer of 2023. It prohibits all sexual acts between persons of the same sex and also the “promotion” or recognition of such acts.

Homosexual acts can be punished by life imprisonment, and even the „attempt to perfom homosexual acts“ can lead to imprisonment (for up to ten years). In the case of “aggravated homosexuality,” there even is the threat of the death penalty – for example, if a terminal illness is the result of the sexual act (this apparently refers primarily to HIV), or for “repeat offenders”.

In addition to the prohibition of homosexual acts, there is the duty to report such acts and even the suspicion that a person might engage in homosexual acts. Those who fail to do so risk a fine, and organizations face closure.

Providing funds, media time, or premises to individuals or organizations for activities that “encourage” homosexuality is considered “promotion of homosexuality” and hence prohibited.

The consequences of the “Anti-Homosexuality Act” for queer people

Even before the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023, homosexuality was illegal in Uganda. Violence against people from the LGBTIQ+ community was rampant, but at least queer people could stand up for their rights and support each other.

Now, in some cases, they even face the death penalty. And education, prevention and support for people from the LGBTIQ+ community have to be carried out in secret and pose severe risks for everyone involved.

When the new law was being discussed, violence against queer people surged. In churches, it has been publicly said that it is okay to kill gays and lesbians to “protect” children from them.

Many LGBTIQ+ people do not dare to leave the house anymore. They can barely care for themselves and no longer have access to condoms to protect themselves and others from HIV.

Even worse, many queer people with HIV no longer get their medication – either because of fear for their lives or fear of being arrested, or because clinics and organizations are afraid of being punished for “promoting homosexuality” if they support their LGBTIQ+ clients and patients. If people with HIV stop getting their medication for a long time, though, it can lead to AIDS and eventually death.

SHORT VIDEO: Here are a few numbers on how they spent their grant award PLUS achievements like their NOW active TOLL-FREE HELPLINE:



Report by Queere Nothilfe - click for a short video



Tagesspiegel newspaper article 06/ 23/ 2023 (german)

TV station ntv magazine article 07/ 01/ 2023 (german)

radioeins radio station interview (german, 07/ 18/ 2023) – have a listen:

radioeins radio station interview on CSD Berlin, 02/ 22/ 2023 (talk in english, presenter in German):

TV station Alex TV Berlin, Award for “Let´s Walk Uganda” during the 45th CSD Berlin, 07/ 2023 (video, english and german)

Tagesspiegel newspaper, interview 08/ 10/ 2023 (german)


More info